Reziena, striving to become a leader in the field of medical beauty technology, will participate in the '2023 Hong Kong Cosmoprof.' The Cosmoprof exhibition, which started in Bologna, Italy, in 1967, is a global beauty and cosmetics exhibition held in major cities worldwide, including Las Vegas, Hong Kong, and India. The '2023 Hong Kong Cosmoprof,' scheduled for November this year, is one of the world's top three beauty exhibitions and the largest in Asia.
Having proven the excellence of its technology at the 2022 Cosmoprof events in Italy (Bologna) and Asia (Singapore), Reziena aims to showcase its upgraded, first-in-industry - smallest home beauty HIFU device and intelligent mask incorporating iontophoresis medical technology at the Hong Kong Cosmoprof. The company will also unveil a derma-cosmetics line featuring a soothing gel containing collagen capsules, demonstrating its latest technology once again with the goal of achieving sales growth and increased recognition next year.
A Reziena spokesperson stated, "Participating in the Hong Kong Cosmoprof provides an opportunity to showcase Reziena's technology and products to major countries worldwide, including China. With positive responses from the participating buyers, we aim to accelerate our entry into advanced overseas markets such as the United States and China."
Kim Hyun-Joo, Reporter, hjk@segye.com
[ⓒ Segye.com, Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited]
Reziena, striving to become a leader in the field of medical beauty technology, will participate in the '2023 Hong Kong Cosmoprof.' The Cosmoprof exhibition, which started in Bologna, Italy, in 1967, is a global beauty and cosmetics exhibition held in major cities worldwide, including Las Vegas, Hong Kong, and India. The '2023 Hong Kong Cosmoprof,' scheduled for November this year, is one of the world's top three beauty exhibitions and the largest in Asia.
Having proven the excellence of its technology at the 2022 Cosmoprof events in Italy (Bologna) and Asia (Singapore), Reziena aims to showcase its upgraded, first-in-industry - smallest home beauty HIFU device and intelligent mask incorporating iontophoresis medical technology at the Hong Kong Cosmoprof. The company will also unveil a derma-cosmetics line featuring a soothing gel containing collagen capsules, demonstrating its latest technology once again with the goal of achieving sales growth and increased recognition next year.
A Reziena spokesperson stated, "Participating in the Hong Kong Cosmoprof provides an opportunity to showcase Reziena's technology and products to major countries worldwide, including China. With positive responses from the participating buyers, we aim to accelerate our entry into advanced overseas markets such as the United States and China."
Kim Hyun-Joo, Reporter, hjk@segye.com
[ⓒ Segye.com, Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited]